Welcome to Steamboat Face and Body! We are a facial aesthetics practice operating within the confines of McCreight Progressive Dentistry to help you achieve a more radiant, confident appearance and improve your quality of life. Our facial aesthetic and MedSpa treatments are specially designed to meet your unique needs, allowing you achieve your goals in the most comfortable and convenient way possible.

We are pleased to be among the 2% of dental practices nationwide offering facial aesthetic services, and are the first dental practice in the country to offer MedSpa technologies and treatments in our office. Our dentists, cosmetologist, and esthetician are dedicated to meeting your needs, reduce the signs of aging and give you the look you desire.

Please use the links below to get to know us before your visit:

We invite you to call us today at 970-629-1779 to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. James McCreight or Dr. Wendy McCreight and learn more about facial aesthetics in Steamboat Springs, Colorado!

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We are committed to providing you with individual, high-quality care. Reach out to make your appointment!

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